Monday, November 3, 2014

Master Closet Project: Plan, Cleanout and Clothes

Once I decided to repurpose a portion of the hang-up storage for drawer storage, I started doing online research for a storage solution and ended up on  Since we don't have an IKEA super close by, I did the measurements and ordered online.  I had to use lots-o-lots of brain cells for this part of the project.  Almost as much thinking as I did in Calculus.  #notkidding

Bottom Line: Creating your own storage system and ordering the parts online is hard but possible.

Here is my drawn image of the storage solution.  I really am posting this to demonstrate that you don't have to have a fancy computer program or be an interior designer to design a closet space (you definitely can, but you don't HAVE to).

I contemplated using the Container Store system, but it was PRICEY.  Way more that I wanted to spend.  The total I spent on the ALGOT System with IKEA was $249 including shipping.  Much more affordable. 

To prepare for the storage system, I cleaned out the closet.  This part felt really good.  Sometimes the cleaning part can be overwhelming but the more I cleaned out the more empowered I felt.  I could see the true potential of the space.

I decided to use the 2 year rule which is "if I haven't worn it in 2 years, it's GONE."  Pretty liberating.  No holding onto the random shirt that was oh so cute that one time ... before I had kids???  .... GONE.  See what I mean? 

Sidenote: You have to be in the right state of mind to really clean out your closet. Almost an aggressive state of mind.  A "take no prisoners" mentality.  Did I just compare prisoners with cleaning out a closet? 

Anyway, that's where I was that day. Totally focused.  I made it happen.  To say that my husband was surprised by the mounds (please note the plural) would be an understatement.  

Then the many packages arrived from IKEA and my hubbie installed and put them in.