Monday, August 31, 2015

Kid's Art Gallery Wall

Kid's art work.  So much to display.  So little space.

Last year I didn't have a game plan to handle the massive amount of paper that came home from school with my daughter.  Therefore, paper ended up on my counter tops, taped to my cabinets, taped to the fridge, underneath the fridge, in the pantry, you name the space and there was paper.  #paperexplosion

I decided to tackle this project to help diffuse the #paperexplosion situation.

I began by locating a blank wall in my house.

I decided on this wall because it is right next to my kid's bedrooms.  It is a long wall and as you can see, well it's pretty bleak and blank.  You can see my first attempt at just taping the artwork to the wall in the corner.  Plus my sweet daughter making more artwork at the dining room table:)

I located my inspiration image on Pinterest.  Click here to view the image.  The easy route would have been to order a vinyl decal (for $25 or so), but our wall texture doesn't allow me to take the easy route.  Therefore, I got out my level, ruler, and a pencil and went to town. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

From Head to the Heart

What's the secret to taking head knowledge and turning it into heart knowledge?  How do we take eternal truths from the Word and turn it into a transformed, daily life?

By dwelling on it.  Remembering it.  Thinking on it when I sit and rise.  When I fold clothes and do dishes.  Allowing my thoughts to be centered on Scripture.

I wanted to create an easy way to think of eternal truths/thoughts I am learning.  As I geared up to study Beth Moore's Children of the Day Study this summer, I created this "take away" sheet.  I have LOVED using this!  It's colorful, bright, portable and A GAME CHANGER.  It has helped me to recount what I have learned each week and to have it at my fingertips.  I keep it close by so I can glance over and remember things I'm learning.

As I prepare to start the school year, I created a week-by-week "take away" page to use.  Then I thought, why not share it with you guys. So here it is!  You can do the week-by-week (click on image below).