Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Organize It: Family Finances Day 2

In the words of Maria von Trapp from the Sound of Music,  

"Let's start at the very beginning
a very good place to start."

Remember, I am not an accounting pro.  I am just a person who loves to be organized.  I have set up  systems to help keep our family finances organized.  It only takes 21 days to create a new habit.  Start day 1 of your new habit TODAY!  ***Life Lesson for the day***

For today and tomorrow, we will be getting systems in place so that the budgeting each month goes quickly and smoothly. 

Step 1: You need to decide on a piece of software to buy.  This will be the the only expense you need to make. I tried to do without software for a few years, but the software makes it SO MUCH easier that it's worth the investment.

I am a Quicken girl at heart.  I was raised on Quicken.  My stud (i.e. dad) uses Quicken so does my twinkie.  It's a family thing.  There are other options out there, but this is what I have chosen.

Quicken Products

There are so many different options depending on what you are looking for.  I previously used the Quicken for Windows and it has great reporting features, but when I switched to a Mac I switched to Quicken Essentials for Mac.  This is not nearly as powerful as the Quicken for Windows, but it's the best option for Mac users. 

So make your purchase.  This is about a $40 investment or so. In my mind, TOTALLY WORTH IT.   I repeat, TOTALLY WORTH IT.

Step 2: Install the software on your computer. You need to work through the initial set-up, but first you need to gather the following information:
  • Your banking information
  • Your credit card account info
  • Investment Accounts
  • Retirement/401K Account info
In case you are thinking, STOP WITH THE MADNESS... where do I even get all of this info?  Calm down, deep breaths, one step at a time.  To make the "gathering process" a bit cuter, I am providing a free printable to assist you. 

Click to Download

Step 3: Work through the initial set-up on Quicken (or your desired software choice).  I can tell you that Quicken is VERY user-friendly.  Very self-explanatory and easy to use.  You will enter your online account info and save it to your "keychain" and Quicken will connect and download your transactions.  In case this part is confusing, you can get personalized help from the software provider and get in touch with your banking institution. 

You can enter your Retirement/401K/Roth IRA info as well.  Honestly, I just key in the amounts from our quarterly statements that are mailed out.

Okay, questions at this point?  Comment below and I can try to point you in the right direction.  This is good.  Stay with it.  See you tomorrow for Day 3 of "Organize It: Family Finances." Plus there another adorable printable to help with the budgeting:)  Get excited!



  1. Hey Whit! Mint is another good software program that we use. It's free and online so you can view it on many different platforms (Windows, Mac, iPhones, Android, etc.). You can add all of your accounts that have online banking and then it automatically downloads all the transactions. It also does reports.

    1. I haven't heard of Mint, but I'm going to check it out. I'm glad you are following along with the blog.
