Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Jewelry Storage: Tackle Box to Treasure

I like colorful jewelry.  However, I do not have a way to store it.  So it ends up looking much like my dresser drawers... #nobueno

Messy and unorganized.  Not a good combo. 

I started with this inspiration photo from Pinterest.

Since I don't really have wall space for this in my closet, I decided to get a little creative and stumbled upon this tackle box at Walmart.

Glamorous, right?  {insert sarcasm here}

I decided to glam it up by adding some scrapbook paper to each slot.  It would have been easier if all of the dividers came out, but they didn't on the tackle boxes I purchased.  So, I just turned on a Pandora station and started tracing and trimming.  To ensure that my inserts were sturdy, I cut cardstock to size and used a spray adhesive to stick it together. 

Then I just fit it into each little spot. I did end up having to re-do a few because I was not terribly exact in my measurements.

Much better, right?  A little pop of color goes a long way.

Onto the easy part, filling in the jewelry.  I organized my jewelry by type.  Earrings, bracelets, necklaces and watches each have their own jewelry box (henceforth I will be referring to the tackle box as the jewelry box).

A little spot for each piece of jewelry.  Organized to my heart's content.

From a cheap tackle box to organized jewelry storage.  I love how this project turned out. Plus, it's so easy to find the piece of jewelry I am looking for!

I am thinking of putting a colorful label on the front of each one and displaying them in my new closet storage system. The possibilities are endless.

How do you store your jewelry?


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